Cafeteria Rental
Cafeteria located in the Town Hall Building hosts small miscellaneous meetings, Family gatherings, Church socials, etc.
Please contact the Town Hall Office for more information regarding this facility and rental policy.
Softball/Baseball Field
The field (located beside Town Hall) is available for Town residents to use on Sundays and Wednesdays each week. The ballfield and concession building is usually on a leased contract to a ball league during the months of April through the middle of November for ball games. No league games will be scheduled for Sundays and Wednesdays. The ball league leasing the ballfield and grounds is responsible for the grounds upkeep, lights, and mowing during the contract period which means that the area is not open for teams or groups, not involved in the contracted ball league group, to use the field for miscellaneous practices.
If you are a member of a ball team interested in playing in the ball league, contact the Town Hall for the League Director's name.
Walking Track and Children's Play Area
These facilities are provided for Town residents. The Walking Track is located around the ballfield. The Children's play area (located between Town Hall and the ballfield) is a fenced in area designed for small children. A Basketball court is also available for play.
Picnic Shelter
Coming soon! A place to cook out and have a family event, such as birthday parties or reunions.
We will let the community know once the picnic shelter is ready for use.